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Terms & Conditions

Welcome to rakuten and its services!

To protect the security of the Site and the creator’s software (“Software Use and Services”), you should read the following “Software and Services License” (“Software”, or the “Agreement”). You need to fully understand these terms and conditions, the terms of special services and restrictions, and the separate agreement for each term, and accept or reject the responsibility. If you are over 18 years old, becoming a user of this website means that you have read and agreed to this agreement and related terms, otherwise you have no right to download and install software and services.

(1) Protection of personal information of users

1.1 Protecting users personal information and creators information is the basic principle of this website. rakuten uses professional encrypted storage and transmission channels for all information to protect the safety of users. If any information is disclosed without the consent of the original creator, this website will take legal measures.

1.2 In the process of using this service, the user needs to provide some necessary information, for example, for account registration service, the user needs to fill in the mobile phone number and agree to the relevant terms of use. If the information provided by the user is incomplete, the user may be restricted during use.

1.3 Under normal circumstances, the user can modify the submitted data at any time. For security reasons (such as account retrieval services), users may not be able to modify their personal information at will after registration.

1.4 rakuten employs a variety of security technologies and procedures and has a robust management system to protect users personal information Any use or unauthorized use is punishable by law The final registered cell phone number for new rakuten and existing rakuten shall not be changed.

1.5 In any case, rakuten will not disclose user information to companies and organizations other than rakuten. without the consent of the user.

1.6 For those under the age of 18, written information from their parents or law enforcement officers is required before accessing the services of this website.

(2) User Responsibilities

2.1 Users need to complete a series of data before applying for withdrawal.

2.2 Users are not allowed to make withdrawals during oClick

2.3 Users may not cancel or skip a data.

(3) Terms and Conditions:.

3.1 Agreement: The user contract and terms of service shall be based on the terms stipulated on the account, and the user shall provide relevant materials and documents to the site, and the user shall be an attachment to the terms of the contract.

3.2 The terms and conditions on which this website provides services to all users. If you have any questions or other important inquiries, please contact the relevant departments for feedback.

3.3 The terms and conditions of this website are enforced by trade agreements, and all terms and conditions are protected by law. If the user maliciously breaches the contract, this website will reserve the right to pursue legal responsibility

3.4 This website has the right to modify all formats

3.5 Failure to complete optimisation Data on time will reduce the credit score Credit score below 90,which will result in limited withdrawals,please restore your credit score before withdrawing.

3.6 Users withdrawing funds in their account over 50,000USD will be required to pay a 30% withdrawal fee, which will be refunded to the user immediately upon receipt of the withdrawal.

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